Customer Testimonials

The owner Alicja is great. She gives you all her attention. Her perms are amazing. They foam, never drip, and last at least 4 months. ( I have had some last over 6 ). The haircuts are better than great. My husband and I used to live in Palm Harbor but now reside in the Ft. Myers area. We drive to Palm Harbor every other month to get our hair done. If you want attention to detail, fair price, and very high-quality work then this is the place for you.


I come to La'Riviera since 1999 and do not even consider other places. Now that's the choice of my wife and kids as well.

Mr. Bunin

Consistently excellent results. Never walked away disappointed.


Ms. Alicja did a beautiful job layering my hair but keeping the length. She took me at the last part of her day and was welcoming even though I was a walk-in. She showed me some of the products that could help keep the hair fresh and restored. Her shop was clean and inviting. Thank you for giving me a new look with my hair. I love it
